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If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Paul


Cascade Hops and Precursors

Many brewers are familiar with the interaction of yeast and hops to produce glycosidic monoterpene alcohols such as linalool, geraniol, and B-Citronellol. More recently, yeast modified to enhance polyfunctional thiol precursor release from hops has become more popular. These new yeasts convert precursors such as 4MMP, 3MH, 3MHA and others into free thiols to enhance beer aroma. What some may not be aware of is that Cascade hops are a particularly good source of these precursors. This is true of US Cascade as well as NZ Cascade. Cascade will provide large amounts of these free thiols when used in hop mashing or biotransformation additions. Contact me for more detail.

- Paul M. Allard


Hopaid® Antifoam in the Fermenter

I’ve heard from many brewers who have implemented Hopaid® antifoam in their fermenters and have recaptured valuable headspace while enhancing head retention in the final beer. When you are not blowing off vital protein compounds down your trench, along with important oils, the quality of the beer benefits.
Competitive products will use silicon or sometimes vegetative additives. Hopaid® utilizes lipids from hops to control surface tension without extraneous additives. The product is scalable to whatever recipe you can create. I’m available to discuss anytime.

- Paul M. Allard


LupoMAX® Hand Selected Hops

LupoMAX® is a more consistent and truer-to-type form of cryo pellet. Each batch is certified by the Haas SensoryPlus™ program. This offers the advantage of using hand selected lots for all your brewing needs, especially if you previously did not have access to lot selection. LupoMAX™ can be used anywhere in the brewing process to save yield. We are featuring BRU-1 this month. This hop throws lots of tropical fruit and especially pineapple to add exotic flavors to your beer. It pairs well with the Neomexicanus family of hops such as Sabro® and HBC586, amongst others.  

- Paul M. Allard


The Many Flavors of Sabro®

Sabro® is an exciting hop that melds complex flavors of tangerine, coconut, and stone fruit. Depending on usage you may also experience secondary flavors of cream, vanilla, cedar, and mint. Sabro®, formerly known as HBC438, was bred at the Hop Breeding Company using cross pollination of a female Neomexicanus hop. Sabro® packs a high level of Myrcene, so be sure to use it for later additions to preserve this volatile monoterpene to present itself in your beer.

- Paul M. Allard


Dry Hopping with Talus™

We are very excited to offer Talus™, daughter of Sabro™, to our brewing partners. This hop, due to its’ high concentrations of terpene hydrocarbons such as Myrcene, Humulene, and Caryophyllene to name a few, produce flavors of pink grapefruit, citrus rinds and tropical fruits when used in dry-hopping. These terpenes will also produce terpenoids such as linalool, nerol and geraniol through cyclic reactions during biotransformation. More simply said, this is a power-packed hop that will bring impactful flavors to all styles of IPA’s as well as lagers and pale ales.

- Paul M. Allard


Amarillo® on the Hot Side

Amarillo® was discovered in the early 2000’s, known as VGXP01 at Virgil Gamache Farms. This dual-purpose hop exhibits floral notes, along with flavors of tangerine and apricot. Low cohumulone levels make it a great hot side candidate. High Myrcene levels make it a great dry-hopping addition. The versatility and flavor profiles of this cultivar make it a favorite amongst many craft brewers. 

- Paul M. Allard


Brewing with Herbs and Teas

Long ago, spices and herbs were used extensively in the brewing of beer. As with many things, what was old is new again! Many brewers are using herbs to create new and differentiated beer flavor profiles to compete in a crowded marketplace. WVH is happy to offer the highest quality adjuncts for your brewhouse. These spices can be used at many points along the brewing process, from late in the hot side all the way to the bright tank. They can be used individually or make your own custom blends. Recommended dosing range is from 2.0-2.4 lbs/barrel. Try some out today to create your own unique combination of flavors.  

- Paul M. Allard


Amarillo and Critical Monoterpenols

Did you know that the Amarillo cultivar has high concentrations of the critical monoterpenols Linalool and Geraniol ?  These terpenols are considered high impact and have proven to survive the fermentation process in high ratios, thus bringing high sensory impact to your final beer. Free Geraniol is an important precursor to Citronellol during bio-transformation in particular. For brewers looking to have high flavor impact in their final beer, Amarillo is a great choice.

- Paul M. Allard


Incognito® and Increase in Wort Yield

Incognito™ is 100% hops, and zero vegetative material. We have helped many craft brewers to introduce it to the whirlpool. Brewers report a significant increase in wort yield and easier cleanup than hop pellets or cryo. Incognito™ performs well over a large temperature range and produces great flavor and profits. Typical dosing is 59-235 grams/bbl. Give me a call and we can discuss your specific application.

- Paul M. Allard

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